
OrigaLys ElectroChem SAS "Made in Know How"
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Origaccess - BNC/ 2 x Banane Ø4 Adapter

Origaccess - BNC/ 2 x Banane Ø4 Adapter

(Code: AR00554)
(11 Artikel auf Lager)

BNC female / 2 sockets Banana female Ø4

Necesary to connect electrode (or rotating disk electroded) to an other potentiostat. 
75,00 EUR (EU only)

BNC female / 2 sockets Banana female Ø4

Necesary to connect electrode (or rotating disk electroded) to an other potentiostat. Contact us if neededNecesary to connect an OrigaTrod to a potentiostat from Metrohm-Autolab.